aBook Reader Prototype
at RISD Thesis Show
The projector, webcam, and the touch sensors inside the book are connected to the program written in Processing. The processing program detects the QR code on each page to find out the page number with the help of webcam hidden inside the lamp. Then it displays relevant text on the book with the help of projector. The cover page of the book is touch sensitive. It has force resistive sensors inside it which allows readers to touch the cover page of the book and select the book.
Cinque Terre
Concept and Interface Desgin
Today virtual world of our computers are lacking 3D structure and tangibility of the physical world. With the advancement of 3D wearable display and 3D 360º sensing devices, the virtual world is gaining all the dimensions of the physical world. Emerging technologies like Meta Pro and Hololens visualizes the future of computing composed of 3D augmented objects and controls. These concept technologies are bringing 3D structure back but are still missing tangibility. They depict all the objects completely intangible and controls incorporate only hand gestures.

With aBook Reader, I am demonstrating the potential of augmented reality wearables to bring tangibility back in out computing experiences. As an example, I have conceptualized and prototyped aBookReader, which is a paper book that acts as electronic book reader with the help of Augmented Reality based eyewear or HMD.

aBook Reader combines qualities that I enjoy in a paper book and an ebook. The way we interact with tangible objects is very different than reading a digital book on the computer or iPad. To read a physical, we might pick up the book from bookshelf and turn the pages to read the text printed on them. On the other hand, to read a digital book on our laptop, we might click on a relevant folder to find and tap/doble click on the pdf of the book. We use a scrollbar arrow keys or swipe gesture to browse through the book pages. We like to feel the texture and smell of the paper while reading the physical book, but we like the portability compactness of the digital books. To achieve portability and compactness, we lost the interaction with paper from the product. This loss of tactile experience in screen-based computing devices can be overcome by augmented reality wearables. aBook Reader successfully exhibits how augmented reality can restore the tactile experience in ebooks.
Research and Design Sprints
This concept has emerged from my larger body of research into applications of AR wearables. I categorized all the precedents that I studied into different fields like computing, architecture, shopping, advertising, branding, fashion, medicine, gaming, fitness, entertainment, education and art. Then I started brainstorming different ideas based on this research combined with understanding technology.
After brainstorming, I tested four strongest ideas from the brainstorming session. I prototyped 360º wearable vision, visual censorship wearable, wearable translator, AR based book and bookshelf. I found AR based book to be the most reasonable and feasible concept to further develop as a part of my thesis project.